Ron-Harel Lab

Immunometabolism is a rapidly evolving field of research aiming to discover new mechanisms that control immune cell function.

Our studies focus on the metabolic regulation of T lymphocytes. These cells of the adaptive immune system play a central role in the immune defense against intruders, as well as maintaining tissue homeostasis and function. T lymphocytes respond to signals induced by infections and other threats to homeostasis.

Cellular metabolic pathways act as intermediates between those signals and the outcome of T cell activation. Therefore, better understanding the role of metabolism in T cell function could lead to the development of novel therapeutic approaches to target dysregulated immune responses. Our goal is to elucidate metabolic mechanisms of T cell aging and find new ways to enhance immune competence in aged individuals.

We are always looking for talented and highly motivated researchers to join us.
Candidates should email a statement of their research interest and CV to: [email protected]